Friday, July 13, 2012

Place Value I have... Who has...

So I've spent all morning drinking coffee and watching The Hills.  I love summer mornings!  I was browsing around on Pinterest all morning and I saw a pin with a lot of games on it.  One that peaked my interest was a game on place value.  My students absolutely LOVE to play I have...Who has...  I combined those two ideas and voila!  I honestly can't believe that I've never thought to make one of these before! The hardest part was going through the numbers once I was finished and making sure I didn't have any repeats.  I'm sure there would be many students that would be willing to point out that I had made a mistake. :)

Once I had them all looking good with no mistakes I printed them onto cardstock.  I want to cut them out now to see how they look, but I'll wait until I can go back to school and use the big cutter so I can make sure all the lines are straight and the cards come out to be the same size.  I also plan on laminating them once I'm finished to make them ready for a little more wear and tear.

a little blurry, but you get the idea of what they look like

Unfortunately my TpT website will not let me upload anything at the moment, so I can't share this with everyone.  I plan on it soon though! I'm working with someone to help me fix the problem and I hope it all gets fixed today, because I have lots to share!

Happy Friday the 13th! :)

UPDATE: Turns out that the problem with my TpT website was fixed as easily as uploading my projects using Chrome as opposed to Firefox.  The game is now uploaded and you can find it here!


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