Thursday, July 19, 2012

Anchor Chart Challenge Day 3: Non-Fiction Narritive Elements

The weekend is almost here and I can't wait!  I have no plans except a cheerleading car wash fundraiser on Saturday, so that means lots of anchor charts!! I'm such a nerd for admitting this, but I'm sort of excited. :)  The gym at our school is being waxed this week, so we had to hold cheerleading practice in my room today.  That's quite alright with me because that meant I got to spend a little bit of time unpacking the things I had to pack up at the end of the year.  I did some cleaning as well and discovered that I needed to make some new labels for my book baskets.  That got the ball rolling and before I knew it I had whole page of new labels that needed to be made around the room!

I certainly have a lot to keep me busy tomorrow.  I wanted to get them all done tonight, but things didn't work out that way.  I was able to work on my descriptive paragraph unit that's been burning up my brain for the past couple of days which makes me very happy. I was pressed for time this afternoon, so I was only able to make one anchor chart.  That's my daily goal so I really can't be disappointed.  Tomorrow I'm really going to push myself and try to make 4.  Grocery shopping might get in the way of that!

Today's chart will come in handy at the beginning of the year.  In my resource language class I begin the year by discussing nouns.  After every four week grammar unit, I do a two week writing unit.  My first writing unit is always a personal narrative.  This chart will be a constant reminder to students as to what is expected of them while they do their rough and final drafts in class.

You can't really see it, but I didn't cut the bottom of the page off like I do most of my charts.  I left this one with extra space on it in case I feel like adding to it during instructional time.

I'll be uploading most of the labels that I make tomorrow to my TpT site. I haven't sold anything there yet, so I'll be uploading some freebies to help boost my profile over there. Maybe I'll find a couple more projects to get into as well. ;)


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